
Vladimir Voronin about blockage at Ministry of Defense: Three roosters met


The Speaker of Parliament, the Premier and the Head of State shouldn’t have reached the scandal related to the appointment of the minister of defense, considers ex-President Vladimir Voronin, who told a news conference that “three roosters met” in this situation, IPN reports.

“Three roosters met here and they cannot sit normally at the negotiating table. This person whom you chose President is unconstitutional and the person who serves as Premier is also unconstitutional because he was named by decree signed by the unconstitutional President. The Speaker of Parliament is more or less legitimate. They should sit at the negotiating table and come to terms as statesmen or as men with responsibilities before the country and before the missions they assumed. They should solve the problem, not reach such scandals,” said the politician.

Vladimir Voronin considers problems are caused artificially, while the problems of major importance are neglected. “There are no other problems in Moldova except for that concerning the minister of defense. Things should be made clear. That ministry and that minister are no big deal,” he stated.

In another development, the leader of the Party of Communists spoke about the referendum to dismiss Dorin Chirtoaca from the mayoralty of Chisinau. He noted that the people should have realized from the start that this person can do nothing. The Communists are for dismissing Dorin Chirtoaca. Moreover, the mayor should realize what he did and should resign himself and all the employees of the City Hall should be actually dismissed because that is an incubator of corruption and mafia and the people there are unable to do something.