
Vladimir Putin referring to the Kosovo precedent as regards Transnistria


Russian President Vladimir Putin has rejected the West’s argument according to which the Kosovo issue is unique in the world and has warned that Moscow will consider it as a precedent. “Nobody can show us a significant difference between Kosovo and the separatist conflict in Georgia, Moldova and Azerbaijan. Thus, the decision to be made in this respect will be a universal one. If we make the conclusion that the principle of the right to self-determination of a nation is more important than the territorial integration, then we’ll have to follow this principle all around the world”, the Russian president outlined within a news conference after the G-8 Summit closed its works in Germany. According to the international media, Vladimir Putin reasserted that the endorsement of a UN resolution on the Kosovo territory cannot be implemented without Serbia’s agreement, warning that undermining the state sovereignty represents a dangerous step. “People are trying to convince us that this issue can be settled without Serbia’s consent. But we think this is wrong and doesn’t meet the legal and moral norms”, the Kremlin leader has stated. Meanwhile, U.S. President George W. Bush said in Tirana that the talks on the Kosovo territory’s future should be focused on “certain independence”, warning at the same time that he is ready to act with or without Russia’s agreement. According to Mediafax, the White House leader has also stated following the meeting with Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha that “the problem results in whether there would be an endless dialogue over a matter which we have already decided upon”. “I am concerned with the non-fulfilment of the Kosovo expectations. That’s why we will boost the process”, he added. “What the U.S. could also accept is that a certain independence exists at the end of the process”, George W. Bush also said.