
Vladimir Bolea: Geopolitical struggle must be excluded from election campaign


The geopolitical struggle must be excluded from the election campaign and in all the elections that will follow the politicians must understand that the development of the state and strengthening of society is the most important thing.  “We must turn with the face to the country and solve the internal problems,” said Vladimir Bolea, member of the electoral staff of the PAS candidate for President Maia Sandu.

In a public debate at IPN, Vladimir Bolea said the score of almost 48% obtained by Maia Sandu is extraordinarily honorable and this shows that the message disseminated by the Party “Action and Solidarity” was perfectly structured and was supported by a lot of people. “We built the campaign on the fight against corruption and the country’s welfare as the involution of the state has been extremely evident during the last few years,” he stated.

He explained that the message chosen by the party derived from a number of polls that showed that corruption is the main problem faced by Moldova. Therefore, the fight against corruption was the essential slogan. The consolidation of all the social strata was another desideratum because the office of President is a post that unites around it all the people, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, etc.

“For this reason, we addressed our message not to one social section, but to the whole society as everyone is affected by corruption. That’s why we centered our campaign on the internal problems of the state. We made a call to the heart and brain. We had a very good message that caught interest. We will continue with the same message and, at the next stage, will also focus on corruption fighting and consolidation of society. The brain is the target. The people must understand that the life they have is due to the corrupt politicians and that the power in the state belongs to them,” stated Vladimir Bolea, who is deputy head of the PAS Chisinau municipal organization.

He also said that in the election campaign the PAS didn’t have priests on its side and the conclusion they reached is that the Democratic Party and the Party of Socialists are very weak intellectually and morally and have no principles. Moreover, the Party of Socialists had a candidate who was massively supported by the power – the Government, Parliament and the Democratic Party. “In two years, we will realize this and will see that our practice of targeting the brain is much better,” said the member of Maia Sandu’s electoral staff.

As to the lessons learned and to be learned as a result of the election campaign, Vladimir Bolea said the PAS has many things to learn yet as it is very young and lacks electoral experience, but it will come with a much better tactic in the next election campaign.

The public debate “Electoral technologies and electoral technologists: lessons learned and lessons to be learned from the campaign prior to presidential elections” is the 66th of the series of debates “Developing political culture by public debates” that are held by IPN in partnership with Radio Moldova and with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany.