
Vlad Plahotniuc for Europolitics: Moldova’s economy can grow significantly only with pro-European government


In an article published in Brussels after the ratification of the Association Agreement between Moldova and the EU by the European Parliament, first deputy chairman of the Democratic Party (PDM) Vlad Plahotniuc says Moldova can continue to have significant economic success provided that the country continues to be led by pro-European parties after November 30, IPN reports, quoting Europolitics.

In his analysis for the British edition of the newspaper Europolitics, Vlad Plahotniuc says the parliamentary elections of November 30 will be decisive for maintaining political, social and macroeconomic stability in Moldova. According to him, the battle will be fought between the forces of order and stability and those who spread disorder and sow discord. The Democratic Party of Moldova is committed to the promotion of stability and opposes all forms of extremism, whether right-wing or left-wing.

“At 8.9%, Moldova’s rate of economic growth was the highest in the whole of Europe - from the Atlantic to the Urals - in 2013. Under a democratic government, we can maintain a similarly high growth rate in the coming years. It is perfectly feasible for our country to double its GDP within a decade,” wrote Vlad Plahotniuc. He noted that his personal objective is for Moldova to become the ‘economic tiger’ in the EU’s neighborhood.

The first deputy chairman of the PDM considers that Moldova should more courageously take such opportunities as its geopolitics, valuable human resources, ability to negotiate, and a multicultural society. Drawing a parallel with Slovakia, he said that between 2002 and 2006, Slovakia climbed to the 32nd position in the World Bank’s ‘Doing business’ report, which measures the ease of doing business in 189 economies. “That country's economic growth has to a great extent been fuelled by its preparations for an eventual accession to the EU. Moldova is expected to follow a similar course,” he stated.

The World Bank’s latest, 2015 ‘Doing business’ report shows that Moldova has advanced by 19 positions compared to the previous year. This will certainly convince investors to include Moldova in their business plans.

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