
Vlad Kulminschi: Russia’s plan was to get to Moldova


It is important for the Republic of Moldova not to return to the gray zone and under the sphere of influence of Russia, said ex-Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Vlad Kulminschi. According to him, Russia’s plan following the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 was to get to Moldova, IPN reports.

The former Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration noted that Ukraine’s war generates a new configuration on the world map, with Russia attempting to maintain its spheres of influence. Moldova should make maximum effort not to allow the European course to be thwarted and to remain on the part of the free world.

“The first wave took place at the start of the 1990s and the second wave is taking place now. This will be decisive, including for the Republic of Moldova, as the geopolitical space is being redesigned. There will be created new spheres of division, of influence and it is extremely important for the Republic of Moldova not to return to the place where it had stayed for 30 years. Russia tries to create a kind of space around it, a kind of gray zone, a security space that is not under the control of its enemies, of the West. Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova were included in this gray zone or security space. For us as a state, it is extremely important to realize this and, by our efforts, to get out of this sphere of influence as there will be nothing good if we don’t do this,Vlad Kulminschi stated in the program “Reflection Points” on Vocea Basarabiei channel.

He noted that Russia wants to establish a puppet government in Chisinau, which would block the European integration process and would maintain the Republic of Moldova in the gray zone.

“The Republic of Moldova surely remains in the focus of the Kremlin and their plan was to actually come here by the end of February 2022. So, this was their general idea – for the whole Republic of Moldova to be brought under their sphere of influence, for the government to leave and become a government in exile, somewhere in Bucharest or Brussels, and for the situation in the Republic of Moldova to be controlled by the Russian Federation. Did Russia annul or review these plans? No! Only the methods will be different, while the strategic plans remained the same. Now they cannot achieve this objective by military power owing to the Ukrainians who have fought for life or death and have practically protected the Republic of Moldova,” stated the ex-Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration.

Earlier, President Maia Sandu also said that Russia didn’t give up the idea of talking over in Moldova and acts by different hybrid war instruments to install an obedient government in Chisinau.