
Vlad Filat: Without AEI, we wouldn’t have been able to build what we have now


Even if the Alliance for European Integration (AEI) no longer exists, the period during which it ruled was historical. The AIE marked the switchover from authoritarianism to European integration and ensured social and economic stability. This represents a solid foundation for new accomplishments in the future, the chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM), former Prime Minister Vlad Filat said in an interview for the portal www.politicon.md , which was relaunched by the Institute for Political Analysis and Consultancy “Politicon”, IPN reports.

“Without the AEI, we wouldn’t have been able to build what we have now,” said Vlad Filat. According to him, the experience of the AEI, with all its sins, helped the Moldovan political class to grow older. The events that took place in the period created useful preconditions for the future, laid the basis for new chapters concerning the political culture and traditions in Moldova.

The chairman of the PLDM said the alliance achieved a number of important results. The AIE brought the authoritarian communist government to and end and reset the course to building authentic democracy. The main and incontestable accomplishment of the AEI is that by its creation, it sent a very clear message as regards Moldova’s pro-European intentions.

Another important accomplishment mentioned by Vlad Filat is the plurality in society. After July 29, 2009, Moldovan society has witnessed unprecedented freedom of speech. At economic level, Moldova overcame the bankruptcy of 2009 and the recession. “The cumulative growth over the next four years was over 14%, while the budget deficit decreased from 15% in 2009 to 2.1% in 2012,” stated the Liberal-Democratic leader.

Among the failures, Vlad Filat mentioned the serious problems related to functionality, including the heterogeneity of the AEI, the lack of an economic reform, the use of the foreign factor and separatism for political purposes. “In Moldova there are forces that do not support the European integration objective. These forces used the foreign factor and separatism to undermine the country’s development on the path to European integration,” he said

He also noted the low level of communication within the AEI, the party interests, the lack of joint interest in problems of major importance, and the confrontation of the economic and political interests. These circumstances took the alliance hostage. At a certain moment, the AEI became unable to implement the government program.

As a result, Moldova entered a profound political crisis. According to the former Premier, in that period many of the institutions showed lack of reform and political subordination. This confirmed the justness of the actions taken by the PLDM. “The decision taken in the end was painful, but correct. Moldova benefited from it as there were created conditions of political stability and time was offered for the European integration process to continue,” he stated.