
Vlad Filat: Moldova should not remain behind train of renewed Europe


Ex-Premier Vlad Filat warns Moldovan society about radical transformation bills with the generic title “European sovereignty” that the European Union is drafting in reaction to the pandemic crisis. These are designed to strengthen resilience, competiveness and the force of global player of the communitarian bloc. Filat calls on the political players and the citizens of the country to realize the importance of these plate motions on the European continent so as not to miss the chance of ultimately making the predetermined choice. “We are Europeans by history, culture, identity and should understand that we can be helped if we know what we want, but especially where we want to be,” the former Premier posted on a social networking site.

“The announcement of the preparation of a €500 billion EU recovery fund made by France and Germany comes together with a new conception that is aimed at strengthening resilience, competiveness and the force of global player of the communitarian bloc: European sovereignty. As the European states at the end of the 1940s and the start of the 1950s merged their coal and steel industries – the two elements that fueled the warfare in the second world conflagration, in a similar way nowadays, the hard nucleus of the European Union decided to take a step towards the foundering of the United States of Europe, even without announcing this conception, but introducing the new conception of European sovereignty,” wrote Vlad Filat, being quoted by IPN.

According to him, the areas that will form part of the European sovereignty are: health, digitization and new technologies, especially those of the renewable energy sector. “They could in time become common policies, like the agricultural one, competition, research or regional development. Either we have concession of sovereignty or distribution of sovereignty in these areas, we will see as a result of negotiations. It is important that we already speak about European sovereignty as a solution to the new global challenges.”

Vlad Filat warns that the Republic of Moldova could remain outside the new European processes if it does not take particular measures on time, and will thus strengthen its image of failed state or of problematic state where reason is replaced by whim and urge. “When I headed the Government of the Republic of Moldova, besides internal economic stability, the executive’s priorities were to irreversibly connect to the European economic and value space, to ensure access to the new technologies by attracting high value added investment and to create functional and sustainable institutions. We managed to achieve some of these objectives and failed to achieve others, while the efforts to attain the rest were thwarted by third persons, including some of the coalition partners.”

The ex-Premier considers that the time of games and luck passed for Moldova. “The Republic of Moldova needs a redefinition as a state, from a clear geopolitical line to a multi-sector country project that would not leave us again on the periphery of the developed world. The professionalization of politics and redefining of the national interest are not only a necessity. The existence and future of this state in the new geopolitical and, especially, geo-economic rearrangement depend on these”.