
Vlad Filat: Iurie Leanca’s leaving is regrettable


Iurie Leanca’s decision to leave the PLDM is regrettable, said the leader of the PLDM Vlad Filat. In a news conference on February 26, the politician stated that he does not think this is the most correct decision from political viewpoint given the period of maximum responsibility through which Moldova goes, IPN reports.

As regards Leanca’s statements that the PLDM betrayed the pro-European course and vote, Vlad Filat said these are false. According to him, the implementation of the Association Agreement is the purpose for which the PLDM-PDM alliance exists. The PLDM will never accept to deviate from the country’s European course. “To build a European future, we must fight corruption not by statements, but by a concerted effort. We must ensure stability in the financial-banking sector. I and my colleagues from the PLDM want the cases concerning the BEM and the Chisinau airport to be elucidated. Betrayal means to stop fighting for a European future,” stated the chairman of the PLDM.

Vlad Filat noted that Iurie Leanca does not have a real motive to reproach him for something as the party offered him all the support when he held the post of Prime Minister and the non-voting of Leanca Premier again is possibly the only thing that they didn’t achieve. “I regret only that Iurie considered he can help the country only if he was Prime Minister. I can say, basing on my personal experience, that this is not so. The leaving of any colleague is regrettable. No matter what they say, I thank Leanca for his work. I will continue to communicate with him and to help him, if necessary. I hope it will be a reciprocal attitude. The PLDM will continue to work under a maximum responsibility regime,” he stated, voicing hope that Iurie Leanca will support the party’s commitments related to the European course.

On February 26, Iurie Leanca announced that he decided to leave the PLDM and to create his own party.