
Vlad Filat initiates dialogue with local authorities


Prime Minister Vlad Filat said the relationship between the executive and the representatives of the local power will not be based on political criteria. At a meeting with district heads on October 6, he voiced hope that there will be established close and open cooperation relations, but asked the district heads to abandon the party interests and focus on their duties, Info-Prim Neo reports. Filat told the local elected officials that if they want to, meetings centering on the problems faced by the districts could be held monthly. The Premier asked the local authorities to pay special attention to the preparations for the cold season of the year. Filat said that the anticipated budget deficit of 8 billion lei could be reduced by 2 billion lei when the budget law is modified. Even so, the budget deficit is very high and measures should be taken to prepare especially the education institutions and hospitals for the cold season. “The state budget law for 2010 should be formulated as quickly as possible. It was to be submitted to the Parliament by September 15, but it is not yet ready. The Ministry of Finance approved only the macroeconomic parameters,” the Prime Minister said. He told those attending the meeting that they should not be disappointed at the dissolution of the Ministry of Local Public Administration. Its functions will be transferred to the Ministry of Construction and Regional Development and to the State Chancellery. Filat expressed his conviction that the two governmental institutions will cooperate with the local authorities without imposing their viewpoints on them. Speaking about the financial assistance and loans that Moldova could get from international organizations, Vlad Filat said that they will be used first of all to pay pensions and salaries. He promised he will propose amendments to the legislation on the local public administration so as to further decentralize the power. As to the relations between the local authorities and the police, Filat said that these relations in Chisinau changed after the July 29 elections and that the new Minister of the Interior should travel to districts and discuss with the local representatives so as to solve the given problem at local level as well.