
Vlad Filat: EU is a powerful motivation for AEI


Prime Minister Vlad Filat, in a conference held to open the EU-Moldova Forum in Brussels, said the support provided by the EU is a powerful motivation for the Alliance for European Integration, which reiterated that European integration is its main objective. “We are aware that the Government should not betray the EU's trust and implement the Europeanization reforms needed by the country,” stated the Premier, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting the executive's press service. Vlad Filat said the relations between the EU and Moldova develop quickly. The country has made consistent progress in negotiating the Moldova-EU Association Agreement, set ambitious goals, and initiated the process of liberalizing the visa regime with the EU. The Prime Minister spoke about the Transnistrian conflict, saying this is a permanent subject for discussion. “Civil society plays a considerable role in implementing the measures aimed at building confidence between the banks of the Nistru River and at reunifying the country. Moldova approves of and encourages the EU's efforts to contribute to strengthening the networks and carrying out joint projects for all the Moldovans, including civil society from Transnistria,” said Vlad Filat. Hans-Gert Pottering, ex-President of the European Parliament and president of Konrad Adenauer Foundation, said there is great will in the EU to help Moldova, stressing one should not forget that the switchover from a totalitarian or communist regime to a democratic regime is very difficult. “Now Moldova is an independent, free and democratic state and even if you are not part of the EU, you are in Europe and it is our duty to help you,” he stated. Miroslav Lajcak, Managing Director for Russia, Eastern Neighborhood and the Western Balkans in the EU's External Acton Service, said significant results were achieved in the EU-Moldova relations, especially during the last few months. He said the EU is the largest donor for Moldova. In 1991 – 2009, the European Union allocated over €270 million grants to Moldova. In 2010 – 2014, it plans to provide another €550 million. President of East Europe Foundation in Moldova Sorin Mereacre took stock of the positive changes that took place in Moldova, saying the mass media became freer, the journalists are no more harassed, while the elections meet practically all the international requirements. He said that the Government of Moldova will soon receive a set of proposals and initiatives from civil society, which are designed to bring Moldova closer to the EU. The EU-Moldova Forum in aimed at instituting a permanent platform for discussion between experts interested in supporting Moldova's multidimensional efforts to become part of the EU, including by launching joint projects.