
Visegrad Group countries confirm support for Moldova


The countries of the Visegrad Group (V4) will continue to support Moldova in achieving its European integration objective. Such statements were made by the deputy ministers of foreign affairs of the V4 states – Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary - in a meeting with Head of Parliament Andrian Candu, IPN reports.

The Speaker said the European integration is the chance of modernizing and developing the country. “Even if some of the reforms are painful, they will produce results in time and will contribute to increasing the living standards of the people,” said the official.

Andrian Candu underlined that the authorities aim to carry out the reform agenda in the best way possible so as to come closer to the EU. In this respect, he stressed the necessity of learning from the experience and expertise of the member states of the Visegrad Group, especially in implementing the Community acquis, the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the EU.

The V4 deputy ministers are paying a visit to Moldova on March 5-6. The delegation consists of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Ivo Šrámek, the Deputy Minister of Poland Konrad Pawlik, the Deputy Minister of Slovakia Peter Burian and that of Hungary István Mikola.

Created in 1991, the Visegrad Group (V4) started to turn into a platform for experience exchange and formulation of common positions on matters essential for the future of the region and the EU in 2004, after the countries became members of EU. The presidency of the V4 is now held by Slovakia.