At the suggestion of Prime Minister Pavel Filip, film director Viorel Mardare was nominated for the National Award. “I make this suggestion in sign of appreciation as this is a well-known film director and author of a number of short films by which the Republic of Moldova was promoted,” Pavel Filip stated in the meeting of the National Award Commission that came together to examine the files of candidates.
According to the Government’s press service, which is quoted by IPN, Pavel Filip said it is regrettable that Viorel Mardare hasn’t been nominated so far.
At the start of August, the director’s friends announced that this suffers from adenocarcinoma, which is a form of cancer that affects a number of organs. In two days of the launch of a fundraising campaign, there was collected over €100,000 that is needed for Viorel Mardare to receive treatment at a hospital in Germany.
The Commission examined groups of experts’ appraisals for 19 candidates. The winners of the 2018 National Award will become known after the relevant Government decision is approved. The laureates will be awarded in the National Award Gala on August 24.
The National Award to the value of 100,000 lei is given to Moldovan citizens for remarkable accomplishments that substantially enriched science, technology, culture, arts and sports, contributed to promoting the country’s positive image abroad and had a considerable impact on the technical-scientific and socioeconomic progress.