
Viorel Furdui: Over 80% of local administrations are pro-European


Local communities understand the role and importance of European integration, but this direction must be insisted on even more, so that the advantages of the European process are felt by each individual citizen. In the way of consolidating the pro-EU vector there are several obstacles that should be countered by a joint effort of national, regional and local authorities, on the one hand, and with the involvement of citizens, on the other. The statements belong to Viorel Furdui, the executive director of the Congress of Local Authorities of Moldova and were made at the public debate “The advantages and responsibilities of the citizen in strengthening the European future of the country”, organized by IPN.

Viorel Furdui declared that among citizens there are positive perceptions regarding European actions at the local level. However, there are deficiencies in the management of certain directions that should contribute more to the strengthening of society in the context of being closer to the community space. “In society there is, on the one hand, an increased degree of understanding of the importance of the moment we are in, everything related to the choice that citizens have to make in relation to the European Union, with the benefits of integration into the EU family, rather with the benefits of getting there, in the company of civilized countries. Apart from certain material benefits, of public services, everything that means local, regional and national development. At the same time, we can also note a certain diversity of attitudes and opinions that exist in society, which is positive. On the other hand, all those who are responsible for the way of explaining, promoting, correctly informing the citizens, from the ground up, it is very clear that not enough work has been done, there have not been enough discussions in society”, said the executive director of CALM.

Viorel Furdui believes that for better resilience to the challenges that stand in the way of the European accession of the Republic of Moldova, the central authorities must be careful about what kind of messages they deliver in the public space and how they are understood. “The decision-makers must be careful with the messages they come with in this period, with different reform initiatives, different projects, either they are not yet thought through to the end, or they can upset society. In this period, we believe that messages to strengthen society, messages that really demonstrate the advantages of European integration, real projects are very important”, said Viorel Furdui.

According to Furdui, more than 750 town halls in Moldova have pro-European views and this indicator can lead to the strengthening of the country’s project - integration into the European Union. “Decentralization, effective local municipalities, local autonomy are exclusively European values. More than 80% of local governments are pro-European. Apart from the funds and instruments offered by the central public administration and the development partners, the local administration wants to have that power, that competence and financial and administrative decentralization to be able to put European projects into practice”, emphasized Viorel Furdui.

The debate was the first edition of the project “Benefits of the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the EU for people, the community and the country”, supported by the Soros Moldova Foundation. The content of this debate does not represent the official position of the Soros Moldova Foundation.