
Viorel Cibotaru: So-called geopolitical slogans are used in a demagogical way


As a science, geopolitics today is less professed and is associated more with such terms as populism, political parties that go through a crisis, manipulation of the public opinion by information placed in a wrong context and others. The so-called geopolitical slogans are often used in a demagogical way in political context, chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party (PDM) Viorel Cibotaru said in the public debate: “Geopolitical genes” of Moldovans: between myth and reality” that was staged by IPN News Agency and Radio Moldova.

The Liberal-Democratic leader said currently, the preoccupations of the parties are focused not on the formulation of solutions to pressing problems, but rather on geopolitical terms. The voters, either of the right or of the left, concentrate on local problems. But the elites are trying to solve these problems in a geopolitical context. Ideally, there should be used methods free from such notions as course to the West and course to the East so as to come closer to the reality and avoid manipulation and populism.

The head of the PLDM said that even if the Republic of Moldova is a post-Soviet, post-Communist state, it is a new independent state. But this state with all the documents in order is a post-conflict state with serious problems that derive from both internal and external sources. The politician referred to the presence of foreign troops on Moldova’s territory. According to him, from this viewpoint Moldova is not only a subject, but also an object of the international law.

On the other hand, the Republic of Moldova fully benefits from its right to be an international subject, in the United Nations and in different formats, including of the relations with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This thing should not be neglected, especially when it is about the profile of the state. “There is yet another profile, of failed state, where democracy fails,” stated Viorel Cibotaru.

“They often mix up this international cooperation or coexistence. No one in Washington, Brussels, Bucharest, Ukraine or Moscow will build our internal policies, will help us or will prevent us from solving people’s problems. Any attempt to say it is the hand of Moscow, the hand of Washington or the hand of Bucharest is manipulation, demagogy and misinformation.”

The public debate “Geopolitical genes” of Moldovans: between myth and reality” is the 73rd installment of the series of debates “Developing political culture by public debates” that are organized with financial support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany.