
Victor Juc: There are at least three big problems that prevent Russia – U.S. rapprochement


There are at least three big problems that do not allow a rapprochement between Russia and the United States. These are the involvement of Russian services in the election campaign in the U.S., the Ukrainian issue and the punitive measures against Russia, stated the vice director of the Institute for Legal and Political Research of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Victor Juc. He made an analysis of the Russia – U.S. relations based on the observation of the NATO summit that was held in Helsinki last week, IPN reports.

According to him, Russian services were allegedly involved in the election campaign in the U.S. Also, U.S. President Donald Trump is somehow interested in Ukraine. The third aspect is the punitive measures sand countermeasures that prevent Russia from becoming a more important player in the international commercial-economic relations. “But there are also aspects that favor a rapprochement between Russia and the U.S. and I would mention Syria here. I think Donald Trump was serious when he said the U.S. will leave Syria as they do not consider it necessary to remain there. He calculated the spending and revenues and reached the conclusion the U.S. presence is not necessary there,” Victor Juc stated in the program “Fabrika” on Publika TV channel.

Director of the Market Economy Institute Roman Chirca said the meeting between the U.S. President Donald Trump and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin was rather symbolical. The two officials talk over the phone and practically all the subjects were decided beforehand. Russia does not have important economic influence on the United States.
“The nuclear arsenal and the new agreements concerning nuclear weapons were actually the main elements of the discussion and this fact was admitted by both of the Presidents,” stated Roman Chirca.