
Victor Chirilă: Our strategic objective is to bring Moldova closer to Romania


Our objective is to bring Moldova closer to Romania, said Moldova’s Ambassador in Bucharest Victor Chirilă. According to him, the excellent relations between the two states will be strengthened. The common agenda, set by President Maia Sandu, provides for the preparation for accession to the European Union by 2030 and Romania remains Moldova’s most important partner in this process, IPN reports.

The diplomat said he is convinced that now that Mihai Popșoi took over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the excellent relations between Chisinau and Bucharest will continue, the projects under implementation will be completed and new projects will be launched.

“The excellent relations that exist between Moldova and Romania will continue. We have very good projects to implement in all areas and our common strategic objective is to bring the Republic of Moldova closer to Romania and to be in the European Union together. This is our strategic objective. It is the quintessence of the strategic partnership that our states signed in 2010 and this will be continued. We will set new goals. New projects will be implemented, but it is important now to do what we agreed and is in the process of implementation: infrastructure projects, investments in the field of energy security in the Republic of Moldova, creation of a common integrated economic market between our states,” Ambassador Victor Chirilă stated in an interview for the Romanian program “Power of News”.

According to the diplomat, the strengthening of the Moldovan-Romanian economic relations will help Moldova in the process of European integration and will contribute to raising the living standards of the citizens.

“The economic integration is an essential objective for Moldova’s prosperity, security and also an extremely important asset in the relationship with the European Union. In the negotiation process, economic integration with Romania actually means economic integration with the European Union and this will weigh a lot when the member states of the European Union take the final decision to integrate us not only economically, which I think will happen earlier, but also politically,” said the Moldovan official.

On Thursday, by a majority of votes of PAS MPs, the structure of the Government of the Republic of Moldova was modified. Thus, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration was reorganized into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Respectively, the duties related to the European integration process will be taken over by the Bureau for European Integration of the State Chancellery. In the Government, the European integration process will be within the remit of the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration without portfolio.