
Victims of road accidents can claim compensation under motor liability insurance


Persons who suffered bodily injuries or lost someone close to them in a road accident can claim compensation under mandatory motor liability insurance. Also, both the victim and his/her successors can claim compensation for the moral damage suffered, IPN reports.

According to the National Commission for Financial Markets, compensation for bodily injury or death, in the case of MTPL insurance, can cover a wide range of expenses. For example, medical expenses – for treatment, prosthetics, hospitalization, transportation, recovery, care, special nutrition (according to medical prescriptions). All these can be compensated if they are not covered by the state social insurance budget.

The insurance can also cover the difference in income in case of disability. If the accident caused disability, the person will receive an allowance that covers the difference between the average net monthly income and the disability pension.

In case of death, an indemnity is granted. This is set by agreement between the successors and the insurer and includes the average net monthly income from which social allowances and also funeral expenses (up to four average monthly salaries per economy) are deducted.

The National Commission for Financial Markets warns that all expenses must be justified with supporting documents.