
Vibrio cholerae found in the Nistru


Specialists of the Chisinau Public Health Center identified the non-01 Vibrio cholerae in the water of the Nistru River. The population is urged to avoid swimming in the Nistru so as not to catch acute gastrointestinal infections that are caused by this bacterium.

Contacted by IPN, Larisa Apostolova, division head at the Chisinau Public Health Center, said the given bacterium does not cause cholera, but can generate acute gastrointestinal infections. This happens if the infected water reaches the mouth or nose. Swimming is thus banned, especially for children who can easily swallow water while swimming. Among the symptoms of the infection are dizziness, vomiting and diarrhea.

Those who will nevertheless swim in the Nistru should immediately take a shower after  swimming so as to reduce the risk infection, stated Larisa Apostolova.