
Veronica Roșca: On December 3, Parliament made a shameful attempt to ignore law


What happened in Parliament on December 3 was a shameful attemptto ignore the legal framework, in particular the Parliament’s Regulations. “The Parliament’s Regulations turned into a valueless paper in the hands of those who hold power at present,” PAS MP Veronica Roșca stated in IPN’s public debate “Situation in Parliament and the country – Where are we going?”. She noted that the many legislative proposals registered by the PSRM are aimed at dividing society according to criteria that are not typical of a developing state with a fragile democracy, at generating conflicts and at placing the people back on barricades so that the citizens in the Republic of Moldova do not enjoy quietness.

According to Veronica Roșca, the current Parliament lost its legitimacy and representativeness. The legislature is not legitimate because the mixed electoral system is rather perfidious and allowed MPs to change the political color and the affiliation with a political party for three times during a year. The current legislative body is trusted by only 5% of the Moldovans, which means that this Parliament cannot generate good laws in people’s interests. At international level, the lowest level of trust enjoyed by a legislature is of 30-40%.

The MP noted the constitutional framework says the sovereignty belongs to the people. The people clearly expressed their will at the presidential elections, when almost 1 million citizens said that they no longer want political corruption and corruption at any other level and that the current Parliament does not represent them.

In another development, Veronica Roșca said the draft state budget law and budgetary-fiscal policy for 2021 do not safeguard people’s interests and the PAS asked to withdraw these proposals. The fiscal policy does not have coverage and the new year cannot be started with such a deficit. Even if the PAS registered over 25 amendments to the budgetary-fiscal policy, this contains too many shortcomings and cannot ensure economic security in 2021. Unofficial sources said the Government will be unable to pay salaries and pensions in December – January.

The MP said the constitutional and legal frameworks must be obeyed. She presented an appraisal of the Parliament’s General Legal Division saying that the proposal on the languages spoken on the territory of the Republic of Moldova is unconstitutional and this provides conclusive arguments. The appraisal says the formula by which an interethnic language is given the status of being near the official language is unconstitutional and such an amendment will not lead to the strengthening of Moldovan society. Also, the changes concerning the special status of ATU Gagauzia do not have constitutional coverage. The vote given on December 3 in Parliament didn’t obey the minimum procedures.

Veronica Roșca noted it is not clear why the bill on the Republican Stadium was passed now .as there was a decision on this Stadium that was adopted earlier. “This is a pertinent question if the goal is to end the relations with the U.S.” she stated. In another development, the MP noted the parliamentary majority’s assertions that they want snap parliamentary elections are just political statements.

The public debate “Situation in Parliament and the country – Where are we going?” was the 163rd installment of the series “Developing political culture through public debates” that is supported by the Hanns Seidel Foundation.