
Veronica Pacuraru: Explanatory dictionary should be reedited annually


The explanatory dictionaries should be reedited and complemented every year given that we witness an evident democratization of the vocabulary. But the practice in our country is far from being ideal, considers Veronica Pacuraru, managing scientific researcher in lexicology and lexicography of the Institute of Philology of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, university lecturer and doctor of philology.

Veronica Pacuraru has told IPN that in the case of the French dictionary Larousse, for example, a new edition is issued annually, with updated and supplemented vocabulary, with new word meanings that appear meanwhile. In the world they not only renew the existing dictionaries, but also publish new ones, given the very intense democratization of the vocabulary. There appear innovations in society and new terms that derive from the new realities. 

The compilation of a dictionary of recent words and meanings was completed last yearend, under the coordination of Veronica Pacuraru. But this dictionary hasn't been yet published owing to the shortage of funds. The dictionary contains especially anglicisms and the examples were taken from websites and the mass media and represent an updating of the last five years, ten years at most. According to the researcher, the work has an interesting and special conception as each meaning of the included words is accompanied by a mini-context that shows the meaning of the given words and how they can be used.

Veronica Pacuraru said the existing words sometimes undergo significant changes in time and an updating is thus needed. For instance, the explanatory dictionary DEX was reedited in Bucharest the last time in 2012. There are now also online dictionaries and the Internet is a solution for the renewed works to be made accessible to the general public. Furthermore, these dictionaries are interactive and the visitors can intervene to contribute to the updating.

Veronica Pacuraru also said that the reediting of the dictionaries is a necessity of the realities and is designed to provide the public with a wide range of words as the language actually represents us. “Each of us should tend to express oneself correctly and to know the language because this ensures efficient communication and opportunities for personal and professional development,” she stated.