
Veronica Mihailov-Moraru: We asked to hasten examination of request to extradite Ilan Șor


The request to extradite from Israel fugitive MP Ilan Șor, who was sentenced to 15 years in jail, could be extradited on an urgent basis. Minister of Justice Veronica Mihailov-Moraru said that the Moldovan authorities made such a request to the Israeli authorities. According to her, if the extradition request is rejected, the option for Ilan Șor to serve his sentence in Israel cannot be neglected, IPN reports.

The Ministry of Justice asked the Israeli authorities to hasten the examination of the extradition request so that the fugitive MP serves time in jail in the Republic of Moldova.

“Immediately after we familiarized ourselves with the operative part of the judgment of the Appeals Court concerning the punishment, we contacted the Israeli authorities. The status of Ilan Șor in this case was updated and we asked to hasten the examination of the extradition request. We do not yet have a response to our request to hasten the examination. We are waiting for the Israeli authorities’ response. At least we received confirmation of the fact that the application was received. The Israeli authorities are to decide. The mates from the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office examined the experience of Israel in other cases and established that there were cases when Israel allowed the person to serve time in jail in another state even if this had Israeli nationality,” Veronica Mihailov-Moraru stated in the program “Résumé with Ileana Pîrgaru” on RliveTV channel.

According to the minister, the scenario that Ilan Șor will serve his sentence in Israel if the extradition request is not accepted cannot be excluded.

“As he is in Israel and has the nationality of Israel, it is up to the given state to decide whether to accept the extradition request or not and where he should serve his sentence. If, hypothetically speaking, the request to extradite him to the Republic of Moldova is rejected, the option that he can serve time in Israel cannot be neglected,” explained Veronica Mihailov-Moraru.

On April 14, the Chisinau Appeals Court sentenced fugitive MP Ilan Șor to 15 years behind bars in the billion theft bank fraud case. Ilan Șor said the Court’s decision is illegal and this was taken under pressure and with violations of the legislation.