
Veronica Mihailov-Moraru: Shor Party MPs could sit as independents


If the Constitutional Court (CC) declares the Shor Party unconstitutional, one of the options is for the five MPs of this party to sit as independents, said Minister of Justice Veronica Mihailov-Moraru. According to her, if the CC judges outlaw the party led by Ilan Shor, the Ministry of Justice will request the court to fully strike this party off the registers, IPN reports.

The minister noted that the Government asked the CC to establish the constitutionality of the Shor Party as it had conclusive evidence showing that this party violates the legislation of the Republic of Moldova and considers that the Shor Party’s activities undermine the rule of law and endanger the country’s sovereignty and integrity.

“This case will be a premiere for the Republic of Moldova as we do not have such a precedent. For this case, the Constitutional Court also asked for the opinion of the Venice Commission. On behalf of the Government, I can say that sufficient arguments were provided. It is well known that this party committed multiple violations of the electoral legislation and was even sanctioned. There were identified cases of illegal party funding. A number of persons of this party are on the sanctions lists of the U.S., the UK. The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office handles several cases that refer to the illegal financing of this party. We consider all these things taken together are sufficient arguments, but it is the Constitutional Court that will take a decision,” Veronica Mihailov-Moraru stated in the program “At 360 degrees” on Radio Moldova station.

According to the minister of justice, a decision to outlaw this party will make the other political parties more responsible and will influence them to act in accordance with the law.

“If the CC’s session says that this party is unconstitutional, the Ministry of Justice will go to court and also to the Public Services Agency to ask to strike this party off. It is interesting to see what the Constitutional Court decides about the seats of MP as these persons were elected directly by the people. The MPs could sit as independents. But this is only one of the options. If some of the members of this party want to join another party, this is their right. Nobody denies the right to freedom of association. The power of the example is important. If such a request is accepted, the Court will set a precedent that in the future will make the representatives of political parties adopt healthy principles and obey the law,” explained Veronica Mihailov-Moraru.

The Constitutional Court’s meeting where the Government’s request is being examined continues today, June 13, starting at 10am.