
Vasile Ursu insists on dismissing APLP and CCL heads


The interim mayor of the capital Vasile Ursu insists on dismissing the heads of the Privatized Dwelling Owners’ Associations (APLP) and Housing Partnerships (CCL), who do not comply with the indications of connecting the blocks of apartments to the thermal supply. During the working meeting of the City Hall, Vasile Ursu requested the representatives of the district offices to convene meetings with the residents and to insist on dismissing the heads of APLP and CCL, who in the interim mayor’s opinion, oppose to the process of connecting the blocks to the thermal supply. The discussion was started by the sales director of “Termocom” JSC, Mihai Arusoi, who announced that the Prosecution Office initiated criminal proceedings in case of three heads, who redirected the money paid by the residents for heat, covering other expenses. Arusoi stated that 59 percent of the blocks from the capital, inclusively 98 percent of the municipal dwelling fund are connected to the thermal supply at the moment. At the same time, 379 blocks of the APLP, 331 of the CCL and 60 departmental houses are not connected to the centralized heating system. Of the total number, 20 blocks can not be connected to the heat supply because they paid the debts under 20%, Arusoi says. Another 141 blocks that paid between 50 and 95 percent of the debts remain still without heat. Vasile Ursu requested the mass-media representatives, present in the hall, to carry out a survey among the residents of the blocks of flats unconnected to the thermal energy and to find out if the decision to refuse the heat belongs to them. At the same time, he warned the heads of the district offices that they could lose their seats if they do not find measures to influence the heads of APLP and CCL, with a view to connecting the blocks of apartments to the thermal supply.