
Vasile Tarlev asks EU ambassadors in Moldova to mediate easier visa requirements


Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev is displeased that Moldovan citizens face impediments when travelling to Europe because of the latest EU enlargement wave. At a meeting with the EU ambassadors accredited in Chisinau, the head of Cabinet told the diplomats that the potential opening of new offices for the Romanian Embassy and the doubling of its personnel would not solve the visa issue. “Practically, an iron curtain has been lifted at the border with Romania, while Moldovan citizens with pro-European views are compelled to acquire visas for EU countries in uneven conditions. Is it fair?”, Vasile Tarlev pointed out, quoted by the governmental press unit. The Prime Minister pleaded for a visa regime that would be as simple as possible, including for transit. Vasile Tarlev considers that visas for the EU should be granted free of charge to Moldovans.