
Valeriu Muravschi: “As Prime Minister, I take responsibility for the mistakes committed in the given period, while as ordinary citizen – for the mistakes committed afterward”


The former Prime Minister of Moldova, Valeriu Muravschi says that the proclamation of Moldova’s independence on August 27, 1991 is a crucial historical moment, which offered the possibility of returning to statehood, national values, history, culture, etc. [ - What did Moldova achieve during 17 years of Independence?] - It’s hard to say but Moldova did not achieve what it had to and what we hope to achieve 17 years ago. Of course, certain steps were taken to obtain real independence, but we made mainly statements and did not make real effort to implement what we said. From political, economic and energy viewpoints, we remained rather dependent and, what is the most serious, the mentality of the governors has not significantly changed during these 17 years. [ - How did you influence the country’s development as Prime Minister and what is the difference between your tenure and the previous and subsequent ones?] - At the start of the 90s, Moldova regained its independence and was recognized worldwide. It joined the major international organizations without the support of which it wouldn’t have survived. There were laid the basis of the statehood. There were established the new political, social and economic system and the democratic principles and pluralism of opinion. The powers in a state of law were delimited, etc... I don’t want to speak about the reform of the legal, financial and banking systems, the issuing of the national currency, the working out of the national passport system, the implementation of the principles of market economy, the reform of the education system and many other things that formed the basis of reforms. As to the difference between my tenure and the previous and subsequent tenures, it is up to the people to decide. [ - What have been Moldova’s greatest achievements and failures during the 17 years of Independence and for which ones you take responsibility or are proud of?] - The greatest accomplishment is that we still exist... As regards the failures, in a World Bank report on the implementation of reforms, Moldova was one of the top countries on the list among the new states that abandoned the Soviet Union. The subsequent governments, for different reasons, conserved, blocked or implemented incorrectly the basis reforms and, as a result, we have what we have....... the last position in Europe by the basic indicators. The most serious consequence of the subsequent policies is the loss of credibility and the massive exodus of the active population. As Prime Minister, I take responsibility for the mistakes committed in the given period, while as ordinary citizen – for the mistakes committed afterward. [ - What would you change if you were again Prime Minister?] - It is a ‘nostalgic’ question. I would promote young specialists with a new mentality in all the areas. It is very important to form a new political class, while those that accomplished their mission should withdraw. [ - How long will Moldova need to catch up with the developed countries? Some 30 years ago, studying the Soviet Union, the Japanese said: “We consider that you lag 50 years behind, but we convinced ourselves that you will lag behind for ever...”