
Valentina Buliga: Conditions are implemented not for EU, but for people


The 28 imposed conditions imposed by the EU on Moldova continue to remain the commitments of the Government and the parliamentary alliance that really want the European integration course and the process of subscribing to the European values to be irreversible. The necessary determination exists both at governmental level and at parliamentary level, Democratic MP Valentina Buliga stated in the public debate “Chances of fulfilling the 28 conditions for obtaining €100 million from the EU or How real is the government’s objective to make the European course irreversible until the parliamentary elections?”. The debate was the 85th installment of the series of debates “Developing political culture by public debates” that are organized by IPN News Agency and Radio Moldova.

“All these reforms and activities that we should do further are not for the European Union, but for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, who should live in a country where the law rules, there are well-paid jobs and there is no corruption and bureaucracy,” stated Valentina Buliga.

The MP said the signing of the documents for obtaining European macro-financial assistance is a positive signal for the Republic of Moldova. As a result of the signed memorandum and the European Parliament’s decision, the Republic of Moldova will get assistance to the value of €100 million, €40 million of which will come in the form of grants, while the rest as a loan. Moldova and the EU agreed that a series of reforms and institutional modernizations should be done as part of this memorandum and the processes have been launched. The number of permissive documents was reduced to facilitate entrepreneurial activity. There was set up the one-stop office. The government is determined to make sure that all the undertaken measures are taken on time.

To get the first installment of €30 million, €10 million of which in the form of grants, the government must implement ten measures and this process is monitored by the European partners. Among these are the Government reform that, according to the MP, has been already done and its impact and efficiency will be yet felt. A bill on money laundering fighting, which should match the European directives and practices, is to be passed in the final reading soon and this will be another step forward.

In another development, Valentina Buliga referred to the change in the electoral system. “I also have a question: Why some parties won the elections only after promising that they will change the electoral system in the Republic of Moldova?” she asked. According to the MP, the Democratic Party in its electoral program didn’t promise this, but then proposed amending the electoral system, based on the people’s wish confirmed by polls and in meetings, so that the citizens could choose directly the MP. Ultimately, the law to change the electoral system was voted.

The public debate “Chances of fulfilling the 28 conditions for obtaining €100 million from the EU or How real is the government’s objective to make the European course irreversible until the parliamentary elections?” was the 85th installment of the series of debates “Developing political culture by public debates” that are organized with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany.