Useful reference book for farmers “Drought and methods to mitigate its negative effects”
The Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) published a special collection of works of reference on agriculture titled “Drought and methods to mitigate its negative effects”, which is brought to farmers’ attention to help them practice a sustainable agriculture.
The collection was published with the joint effort of three groups of scientists from the Institute of Pedology and Agrochemistry “Nicolae Dimo”, Institute for Field Crops Researches “Selectia”, and the Institute for Corn and Sorghum.
Its authors say that now, when the dog days are no longer an immediate concern, when the preparations for the autumn sowing season and for the lands under spring crops are in full swing, it is important to apply the methods and technologies needed to accumulate, preserve and optimise the use of water resources in the soil.
“We must prepare step by step the ground for the future crop, despite the effects of the drought, by implementing scientific achievements”, say the scientists of the three institutes that offered their recommendations to farmers in a brief, concrete, and accessible manner.