
USB to participate separately in local and parliamentary elections


The Save Bessarabia Union (USB) has made the decision to participate separately in local ordinary elections and snap parliamentary elections in signle-member districts on October 20. The decision was made by the USB National Council, which assembled on Sunday, August 4, IPN reports.

USB will nominate candidates in all 4 uninominal constituencies and will nominate candidates to races in districts, villages, cities, as well as a candidate for mayor general of Chisinau municipality.

"The Save Bessarabia Union will participate in the local and parliamentary elections because we are the only political force which, on the one hand, opposes the current governing coalition and, on the other hand, may bring in unionist candidates, who do not accept half measures and who understood very well that the sole solution for the Republic of Moldova is the integration into the European Union by uniting with Romania ”, states the political party's press release.