
U.S. offers $200,000 for combating violence in Moldova


The United States Government will offer $200,000 for the training of Moldovan specialists in combating violence. The money is offered in funding for the project “Strengthening the Multidisciplinary Approach in Achieving and Sustaining a Life Free of Violence ”, Info-Prim Neo reports. The project is implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and UNFPA. IOM communication officer Nelly Motriuc said that about 1,600 people would be trained as part of this project until December 2013. Police officers, social workers and doctors will attend trainings where national specialists will teach them how to fight domestic violence properly. Specialists say that domestic violence cannot be fought only by protecting the victims. It is also needed to work with the perpetrators. According to the data of the Ministry of the Interior, the number of registered cases of domestic violence is on the rise. However, this might not mean that the phenomenon is spreading, but that society is more aware of the evil that domestic violence causes. Ghenadie Neamtu, senior specialist at the MoI’s police and public order division, says that the numerous anti-violence campaigns are paying off. Remarkably, MoI officers have started to respond to such cases without external notification more often. 563 cases of domestic abuse have been registered in the first 9 months of 2012. In 98% of cases, the victims were women and children. Among these incidents, 9 family murders were committed and two victims were driven to suicide.