
US Government to provide supplementary assistance to Moldova in amount of USD 1 mln


U.S. Government will offer financial assistance in the amount of USD 1,002,965 to support activities designed to create a sustainable improvement in the rule of law and the operational capabilities of Moldova’s law enforcement agencies. Ambassador Rudolf V. Perina, Charge d’Affaires, a.i. of the U.S. Embassy, and Moldovan Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev signed on August 22, 2006 the fifth Amendment to the Letter of Agreement on Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement (of August 28, 2001) between the U.S. Government and the Government of Moldova. There are three projects associated with this Amendment: The Resident Legal Advisor project – designed to strengthen the rule of law and reduce corruption. This project will help Moldovan law enforcement agencies combat trafficking in persons and public corruption; The American Bar Association/Central European and Eurasian Law Initiative (ABA/CEELI) Criminal Law Reform project – that will seek to promote continued reform within the criminal justice sector through development of the defense bar and of the government’s capacity to detect, investigate and prosecute serious crimes; and the Law Enforcement Capacity Development project – designed to improve the capacity of Moldovan security services by increasing the ability of law enforcement to investigate and prosecute serious crimes that stem largely from organized criminal elements. Representatives of the U.S. Government and the Government of Moldova will meet at least every three months to review progress towards achievement of the projects, goals and objectives outlined in this Amendment.