
U.S. Embassy welcomes Moldovan Government’s decision to act in solidarity with the UK


The U.S. Embassy in Moldova commends the Government of the Republic of Moldova for acting in solidarity with the United Kingdom and its allies and neighbors in holding Russia accountable for its actions violating international law and threatening European security. The message comes after the Moldovan authorities decided to declare three diplomats of Russia’s Embassy in Chisinau personas non-grata, IPN reports.

In an official statement, the U.S. Embassy says that standing with its European and international partners, the Republic of Moldova showed how seriously the world takes Russia’s ongoing global campaign to undermine international peace and stability, to threaten the sovereignty and security of countries worldwide, and to subvert and discredit Western institutions.

The United States is committed to holding Russia accountable for its March 4 attempt to murder a British citizen and his daughter using a military-grade nerve agent in Salisbury, United Kingdom. 

The White House announced earlier this week the expulsion of dozens of Russian intelligence officers who were operating under diplomatic cover in the United States and also the closure of the Russian consulate in Seattle, Washington. According to the White House: “With these steps, the United States and our allies and partners make clear to Russia that its actions have consequences. The United States stands ready to cooperate to build a better relationship with Russia, but this can only happen with a change in the Russian government’s behavior.”

The UK said Russia was “highly likely” responsible for the attempted murder of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal, a British citizen, and his daughter Yulia in the English city of Salisbury on March 4. The two are in the hospital in a coma. The Kremlin administration denies the accusations. The foreign affairs ministers of the EU member states adopted a position of solidarity with the UK, demanding that Russia should offer clarification. As a gesture of solidarity, a part of the EU member states and EU allies decided to expel Russian diplomats.