
University rectors in Transnistria could be elected, not appointed


Teachers and students of the main higher education establishment of the Transnistrian region – “T. G. Shevchenko” University – suggest that the rector should be elected by an open vote, based on the principles of democracy and world practices. Until now the rector was named by a higher authority or the region’s leader. Under the new normative documents, the university’s rector must be elected by April 30, 2017, IPN reports.

The competent committee of the region’s legislative body, headed by deputy Mihail Burla, supports the proposal formulated by students and teachers. Mihail Burla considers emphasis should be placed not on age, but on qualification and experience. The representative of the Transnistrian scientific community Elena Bomeshko noted that the appointed rector is the rector of the power, while the elected rector is the university’s rector and represents the people.

Doctor of Economic Sciences Vitalii Glebov, teacher at the University’ Faculty of Economy, considers there are no age limits for scientists in the world. “The older the representative of the scientific community is, the more experienced he is and the greater his knowledge, relations and prestige are,” he stated.

The region’s parliament was requested to make relevant changes to the current legislation so that the rector of the Transnistrian university is elected by democratic ways.