
Unionists: Integration into EU can take place only through reunification with Romania


“We demand a debate in the Parliament in Chisinau on the reunification of the Republic of Moldova with Romania,” said a group of unionists who prepared a letter addressed to Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu by which they ask to examine the Union subject in a plenary sitting. According to the unionists, the integration into the European Union can take place only through reunification with Romania and the political class is obliged to bring this topic on the public agenda, IPN notes.

In a news conference entitled “Reunion – legal way of European integration of the Republic of Moldova, its direct integration into the EU – illegal way”, unionists spoke about the need to reunify with Romania under the conditions of nullity of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. On December 24, 1989, a decision declaring the Hitler-Stalin pact and its secret protocol null and void was adopted in Moscow.

“When a document is declared invalid, this means that the parties return to their original position. This means that when the secret additional protocol of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was declared null and void, the Romanian territories had to be returned to Romania. By right, the territory on the left side of the Prut belongs to Romania. Romania has the right to restore its sovereignty over this territory, especially because there are now over one million Romanian citizens on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and over one million are waiting for Romanian citizenship. Therefore, we prepared a letter addressed to Parliament Speaker, Mister Igor Grosu, by which we ask to convene Parliament to discuss the decision on the reunification of the Republic of Moldova with Romania and the liquidation of the consequences of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. We will send the copy of the letter to all diplomatic missions in Chisinau. The integration into the European Union can only take place through reunification with Romania,” said associate professor Andrei Groza.

According to the unionists, the whole international community must know the historical truth and Moldova must return to Romania. Amidst the war in Ukraine, Romania, as a NATO member state, can offer the Republic of Moldova peace, stability and prosperity.

“We are the only state that lives according to the criteria of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. It’s nonsense. If we make an effort, we, those from civil society, and Parliament can successfully bring this issue to Parliament for debate. Let everyone know what justice is. I think this address will open the eyes of many people,” said Vasile Nastas, chairman of the National Council of the Public Associations “For Nation and Country”.

“Our independence of three decades has shown that we are not capable of developing normally. A lot of people just live with today. Why can’t we return to normalcy? Why should we not reunify with the motherland? It has been 106 years since the members of the People’s Council signed the Union act and wrote then that they do it for good, but it was not meant to be because the Tsarist, Soviet Empire, or the current one under Putin, has always sought to keep us under the influence of the Russians. It’s time. We can no longer tolerate such a situation,” said associate professor Vasile Onceanu.

Note: IPN Agency offers the right of reply to persons who consider themselves targeted in the news made from the statements of the organizers of this press conference, including by facilitating the organization of another press conference under similar conditions.