
Unauthorized trade – source of contagion


The deputy mayor of Chisinau Mihai Furtuna considers that the unauthorized trade increases the risk of pandemic flu and therefore must be eliminated with the help of the police and the Municipal Center of Preventive Medicine. The statement was made at Monday’ s meeting of the Chisinau City Hall, Info-Prim Neo reports. Mihai Furtuna said that the kvass and meat pies sold without certificate of origin on the street are a source of contagion. Though some of the economic entities have been fined for such violations in summer, they continue to work. “We cannot tolerate street trade anymore. We approved decisions to remove the booths and kiosks, but only the police can do this,” the deputy mayor said. Attending the meeting, the head of the General Police Commissariat’s Public Order Division Iurie Crijanovschi admitted to the seriousness of the problem, but said that it can be solved if the legislation is modified as the offenders are fined, but the removal of the booths is not allowed. Mayor General Dorin Chirtoaca stressed that the situation can be remedied if the relevant authorities prove more will.