Unauthorized building issue needs wider approach: Chisinau functionaries
After years of controversial debate, the unauthorized building in Chisinau “should be discussed” in a narrow circle. The idea is suggested by the district heads. The praetors say they cannot influence the betterment of the situation in any way, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“When shall we appreciate if a building is authorized or not? We have to wait for 2-3 months for an answer from the State Construction Inspection,” Mihai Carlig, the praetor of Rascani sector told the Monday sitting of the City Hall.
“Till we find the master of a building in construction, the process is already in full swing,” the Ciocana praetor, Galina Bostan, said. According to her, most of the constructions start on Saturday or on Sunday, while the police do not compile minutes on them. The district head suggests to discuss the issue within a narrow circle of responsible officials.
The Botanica praetor, Vladimir Guritenco, backed the proposal. He mentioned an ordinance signed by a former mayor annulling the district offices' right to issue construction authorizations, and the people wanting to construct building shall address the City Hall, directly. “People wait a lot till they get construction authorizations,” Guritenco said, hinting this was one of the reasons for unauthorized building.
“Guritenco does not know and does not want to know what is the situation in this regard,” retorted the head of the Discipline in Constructions Direction, Gheorghe Raileanu. According to him, 1,042 authorizations have been considered this year, as 93 of them were endorsed. The State Inspection shall register the authorizations within 3 days, yet the process is dragged over, and the City Hall is unfairly blamed.
He says out of 384,980 lei – fines applied for illegal building – only 6.5% have been payed.
In response, Vladimir Guritenco has said numerous problems emerge when people address the authorities. “If everything is so alright, why only 6% of fines have been payed till now?” he asked.
The Architecture Direction Head, Vlad Modarca, has said the authorizations are not held back by the City Hall. “I do sign such authorizations. I can confirm they do not stay in our direction for more than 2-3 hours,” Modarca said.
Deputy mayor Nistor Grozavu has said a reunion of the officials responsible for the issue will be convened till week-end.