
UN resolution will be used as an argument in Transnistrian settlement process


 The resolution on the complete and unconditional withdrawal of the foreign military forces from the territory of the Republic of Moldova that was adopted by the UN General Assembly on June 22 is rather political in character and the Moldovan authorities perfectly understand that this does not oblige the Russian Federation to obey it. But the authorities felt that the subject should be discussed at a high level, starting with the OSCE Istanbul Summit, Head of OSCE and International Security Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova Vasile Mircos stated in a news conference held in Odessa on the occasion of the 30th Advisory Board Meeting of the European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine, IPN reports.

According to Vasile Mircos, the results of the 1999 Istanbul Summit, where Moscow pledged to withdraw its troops and munitions from Moldova’s territory are equal to zero. Thus, the Moldovan authorities, by this resolution, attracted more international attention and support so that the country could ultimately achieve its goal.

“Surely, we do not want to spoil the relations with the Russian Federation as this country anyway remains a strategic partner for the Republic of Moldova, but we try to persuade Russia to take into account our interests too. In the future, if Russia does not take particular actions, the UN decision will be used as an argument in the future debates and negotiations on the Transnistrian conflict,” he stated.

The official noted the UN vote is a big accomplishment and a very good result for Moldova. “I know this can bring particular difficulties and dissonance in the relationship with Russia, but not mandatorily. Why? Because the main idea of this resolution is the withdrawal of troops from the territory of the Republic of Moldova. It is the goal we have pursued since the Moldovan-Russian ceasefire agreement was signed in 1992,” said Vasile Mircos.

He also said that considerable diplomatic effort was made to have the resolution adopted, while the speech given by Prime Minister Pavel Filip at the meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2017 laid the basis for setting new priorities for achieving the main objective, which is the pullout of the Russian army from the Republic of Moldova.

From his viewpoint, the UN resolution cannot create particular difficulties in the Transnistrian settlement process. The authorities are optimistic about the future Transnistrian settlement talks, especially now that Italy holds the OSCE Chairmanship.

The European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) was launched in 2005. EUBAM promotes border control, customs and trade norms and practices that meet European Union standards, and serve the needs of its two partner countries. EUBAM activities promote economic development and enhance regional security. The Mission is an advisory, technical body based in Odessa, Ukraine.