
UN expert to assess living conditions of poor people in Moldova


United Nations Special Rapporteur Magdalena Sepúlveda will undertake an official visit to the Republic of Moldova from 9 to 13 September 2013 to gather first-hand information on the living conditions of people experiencing extreme poverty, IPN reports.

The Special Rapporteur said the Moldovan legislation includes a number of progressive national laws that can advance the country in eliminating poverty, yet many groups of the population still live below the poverty line or in various states of exclusion or marginalization.

According to the UN Office, during her visit Magdalena Sepúlveda will assess social protection measures and other Government programs aimed at assisting women, children, ethnic minorities (in particular Romani people), older persons, persons with disabilities, and other vulnerable groups. She will evaluate how the state is addressing their situation while ensuring the enjoyment of their full range of rights, including access to basic services like health, education, clean water and sanitation.

This is the first visit to the Republic of Moldova by an independent expert on human rights and extreme poverty. The Special Rapporteur’s observations and recommendations will be reflected in her final report, which will be presented to the UN Human Rights Council in June 2014.