Two-year-old admitted to hospital in a state of shock after scalding himself
A child aged two from Chisinau was rushed to the hospital in a state of shock after he fell into the bathtub where he was to be washed. He had scalds on 30% of the body. According to the head of the Burns Division of the National Children’s Hospital “Emilian Cotaga”, 94 children were hospitalized with scalds and burns so far this year. In the cold period of the year, when the hot liquids are used more often, the number of accidents involving children increases.
The accident happened because the parents didn’t supervise the child. According to the doctors, the child fell into the bathtub with hot water when left alone in the room for a while. The child scalded himself on the back, bottom and back part of the legs. He will remain in the hospital for about three weeks. The doctors cannot yet say if the child will remain with scars. It will become clear in 10 days.
Doctors warn the parents with little children should be very careful when using hot water. The containers with hot water should not be left within children’s reach as they don’t know that the water is hot and can hurt themselves.
According to the Ministry of Health, the accidents that happen at home involve a large number of children. By six children younger than five become victims of household accidents daily. Every week, one child under five dies in such accidents.