
Two Moldovan mathematicians of Technical University solve Poincaré conjecture


The Technical University of Moldova (TUM) has announced that the famous problem enunciated by the illustrious French mathematician Henri Poincaré (1854-1912) – the Center-Focus Problem – on which great mathematicians of the world had pondered for over a century, was solved. In a press release, TUM says the conjecture was solved by an algebraic method in Chisinau by university professor, Doctor Habilitate in Physics-Mathematical Sciences Mihail Popa and young UTM professor, Doctor in Mathematical Sciences Victor Pricop.

The two scientists prepared for printing a monograph titled “The Center and Focus Problem: Algebraic Solutions and Hypotheses” that will be published in the UK. They are the first in the world who demonstrated the solution of the Poincaré conjuncture.

The given problem was devoted thousands of works in different scientific centers of the world, in France, Russia, Belarus, China, the UK, Canada, the U.S. and other countries, including almost 100 works in Moldova.

Mihail Popa is the founder of the scientific school Lie Algebras and Differential Systems. In his investigations, he was supported by his pupil Victor Pricop, who teaches at the TUM’s Math Department.

The completed work of prof. Mihail Popa and Dr. Victor Pricop was translated into English and presented at several publishing houses abroad. The best conditions were proposed by the Taylor & Francis Group Publishing House based in Great Britain, with a history of over 200 years, specialized in publishing scientific literature and journals, with eight offices around the world, including three in the U.S. The monograph “The Center and Focus Problem. Algebraic Solutions and Hypotheses”, assessed page by page and chapter by chapter, was recognized as an original scientific paper and signed for printing.

The cover presentation states: “The monograph focuses on an old problem of the qualitative theory of differential equations, called the Center and Focus Problem. It reflects the results obtained by the authors in the last decades. A rather essential result is obtained in solving Poincaré’s problem. Namely, there are given the upper estimations of the number of Poincaré-Lyapunov quantities, which are algebraically independent and participate in solving the Center and Focus Problem that have not been known so far. These estimations are equal to Krull dimensions of Sibirsky graded algebras of comitants and invariants of systems of differential equations.”