
Two cases tested for COVID-19 in process of reaction for confirmation


Of the 30 suspected cases of infection with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), 28 samples tested negative. Another two are in the process of reaction for confirmation, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection has said.

In a news conference in the afternoon of March 11, Minister Viorica Dumbrăveanu said that both of the persons returned recently from Italy and one of them is young, IPN reports.

She noted that the samples in the case of the two mothers hospitalized together with their children tested negative for the novel coronavirus.  

Six adults suspected of having caught the coronavirus are now at the Infectious Diseases Hospital “Toma Ciorbă”. Also, five children and two mothers are waiting for the test results at the Municipal Clinical Contagious Diseases Children’s Hospital.

Three cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Moldova so far. The health authorities call on the people who returned from countries affected by the virus to remain isolated at home for 14 days and to call the family doctor or the 112 service, if need be, avoiding going to health facilities.