
Two buses No.24 to run to Colonița as of November 26


Starting with November 26, two buses will run on route No. 24 that ensures connection between Colonița and Chisinau, not one bus as now.

Contacted by IPN, Angela Zaporojan, mayor of Colonița village that forms part of Chisinau municipality, said the buses will run at an interval of 25 minutes and they hope the problem of crowdedness in public transport in  Colonița, especially at rush hour, will be thus solved.

The mayor also said they received numerous complaints from villagers who cannot get to work or school on time because they have to wait for units of public transport for too long.

The first bus will set off from Colonița to Chisinau at 5:50am, while the last at 10:45am. A number of 21 minibuses No. 117 also run to Coloniţa.