
Tuberculosis is still a threat to Moldova


Tuberculosis continues to be a threat to Moldova, despite a stable trend of several indexes in 2006 and in the first quarter of 2007, Minister of Health Ion Ababii told the Supreme Security Council (CSS), which examined the epidemiological situation regarding tuberculosis. According to Ababii, the actions by the authorities made the share of detected ill persons increase and it is similar to the estimates by the WHO. It was managed to apply the DOTS Strategy on control of tuberculosis on the entire territory of Moldova, including in the eastern region of Moldova and in the penitentiary system. In addition, the renovation of the Vorniceni Tuberculosis Hospital has started. According to the Ministry of Health, the number of infected persons is constantly increasing especially in the Municipality of Chisinau, Anenii Noi, Cantemir, Cimislia and Floresti districts. The data are alarming also because of the increase in the chemoresistance to the anti-tuberculosis medication, or the increase in the so-called “drug-resistant” patients. The number of such patients amounts to 724. The number of persons with tuberculosis increased from 130 per 100,000 of population, in 2002, to 196.5 in 2006.