
Trees likely to be affected


The wet and chilly weather of the last days favors the contamination of the orchards with moniliasis. Favorable contamination conditions have been created in the apricot orchards and then in the morello cherry, sweat cherry and plum orchards, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry. To reduce the influence of the pathogen on sour cherries and plums before and after blooming, it is necessary to continue the treatment with copper-based fungicides (Bouillie Bordelaise – 1% - 10 kg/ha after cooper sulfate) and copper oxichlorine (6.0 kg/ha), as well as cuproxat 5.0 l/ha in the case of plums, specialists warn. Horus (0.35 kg/ha) and (Signum 1.0 kg/ha) can be used to treat the sorts of plums that are vulnerable to moniliasis (Stanley, Vengerka group), before and after blooming. The peach orchards that have not been treated against blistering of leaves must be treated with 0.2 l/ha of scor at a temperature of over 12°C; 0.7 kg/ha delan; 1.0 kg/ha signum; 2.0 kg/lit/ha euparen or antracol or bravo before blooming (“rose button” phase). If the wet and cold weather persists while the peaches are blooming, the peach orchards must be again treated with one of the mentioned fungicides. In order to protect from scab, the sensitive sorts must be treated with one of the preparations with systemic effect before and after blooming. The orchards of such sorts of apples as Jonathan, Aidared, Renet Simirenco, Mantuan, where the foliar apparatus and the buds were considerably affected during the previous season, must be treated with one of the systemic fungicides Topas, Impact, Atemi, Vectra, Flint, Trimfin, Orius and others before blooming two times. Moniliasis is a disease of fruit trees caused by a species of mushrooms characterized by the appearance of concentric rings of mould on the fruit followed by their decay.