
Transnistrian NGOs could establish partnerships with foreign NGOs


None of the Transnistrian nongovernmental organizations was awarded at the Forum of Transnistrian NGOs for accomplishments as none of them fulfilled the only condition of the contest announced long before the Forum – to write an essay about the work they do, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the organizer of the contest, Natalia Gligor, coordinator of the Resource and Development Center for Transnistria project implemented by Promo-Lex Association, the winner of the contest was to get US$1,000. The participants have not been announced that there will be a money award and thus did not hurry to write essays. But this does not mean that they did not achieve results for which they can be awarded, Gligor said. The Forum of Transnistrian NGOs that took place in Vadul lui Voda town on December 12 and 13 will continue in February or in March. Foreign NGOs ready to establish partnerships with the Transnistrian NGOs will be then invited to the event. The representatives of the civil society will be able to draw up a list of the organizations with which they want to cooperate and will send it to the organizers of the Forum that will contact the given organizations. The Forum of Transnistrian NGOs was organized by Promo-Lex Association in partnership with the organization “Rodoliubets”, with financial support from the Czech organization “People in Need”, the Czech Foreign Ministry’s program “Transition” and the OSCE Mission in Moldova.