
Transnistrian NGOs believe participating in Moldovan parliamentary elections will pose Transnistria in a depending position


Non-governmental organizations from Transnistria oppose any forms of participating in Moldova's parliamentary elections, Tiraspol's official news agency Olvia-press is quoted by Info-Prim Neo as reporting. President of Transnistrian Defenders Union Grigorii Agre told the agency there were no genuine pro-Russian forces in Moldova and, consequently, there is no one to support Transnistria. For instance, Grigorii Agre does not believe that the Ravnopravie Movement of Valerii Climenco would be a serious pro-Russian movement. “This organization is weak, first of all, and then Climenco more pursues his own political interests than the Russian interests,” the union leader said. According to him, “Ravnopravie's episodic efforts cannot be called real work to defend the Russian in Moldova”. The leader of the Russian Communities Union from Transnistria, Viktor Arestov, also considers it has no sense that Transnistria supports someone in the Moldovan elections, neither Transnistrian residents should run for seats in the Moldovan Parliament. “We have nothing to do there. The Transnistrian deputies left the Moldovan Parliament in the past,” he reminded. The president of the Transnistrian, Sergei Zaichenko, underlined Transnistria cannot participate in any form in the parliamentary elections on the Nistru's right bank. “It's the political field of another country and it's namely the country which intentionally destroys Transnistria's social structure and the state structure,” he said. At a joint reunion in Tiraspol, the leaders of workers councils stated that participating in the Moldovan elections would pose Transnistria in a depending position in its relation with Moldova, will offer Moldova the opportunity to state that the self-styled Transnistrian republic is ready to pass under Moldova's jurisdiction. “Chisinau will try to show the world that the conflict in the region is settled,” the leaders maintain.