
Transnistrian NGO accuses Russia of directly supporting separatist regime from Tiraspol


The forum for Democracy and Human Rights from the left bank of Nistru considers the statement made on October 6, 2006 by the Russian Duma aims directly at supporting the non-constitutional regime from Tiraspol, which continues to promote ethnical discrimination and which constantly violates human rights, a declaration of the Forum says. According to the cited source, through this declaration the Russian State Duma violates the provisions of the Moldovan-Russian friendship and collaboration Treaty, which came into force in 2002 and of the Peace Agreement of July 21, 1992, but also proves once again the incapacity to participate in the talks on settling Transnistrian dispute. “Since 1992 and until now, the self-proclaimed leaders from Tiraspol have repeatedly resorted to ethnical purge, murders, and crimes against humanity in order to intimidate the population and to maintain the control over the raions located on the left side of Nistru. It is regrettable that the authorities of the Russian Federation not only refused to condemn these actions, but also encouraged the regime politically, financially and militarily”, is mentioned in the declaration. According to the authors of the declaration, the sanctions applied by the Russian Federation to the Republic of Moldova are in fact applied to its own citizens, fact which proves that the real goal of the Russian authorities is money laundering, including through trafficking in weapons, human traffic and other types of smuggling. The Forum solicits unconditioned and immediate withdrawal of Russia from the negotiation process; respecting the engagements taken in front of the international bodies and namely withdrawing its armed forces from the territory of the Republic of Moldova, also asking the mediators and the international community not to tolerate and to condemn Moscow’s aggressive attitude. On October 6, the Russian Duma recognized the results of the referendum organized by the Transnistrian authorities regarding the independence of the region and its subsequent adhering to Russia. Three parties from the Russian parliament asked starting the necessary diplomatic procedures on recognizing the self-proclaimed Transnistrian republic. The request belongs to the nationalist faction “Rodina” and the Liberal Democrat Party of the ultranationalist Vladimir Jirinovski. As a response, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova urged the Russian Duma to abstain from supporting separatism, which affects not only the involved countries, but also could affect Russia, with unpredictable consequences for the whole European continent.