
Transnistrian Blood Service facilities supplied with equipment purchased as part of Transfusion Security in Moldova Project


The Blood Transfusion Center in Tiraspol and the transfusion facilities of the Rabnita and Bender district hospitals will be outfitted with equipment worth 250,000 euros. This is the second consignment of medical equipment offered to the units of the Blood Service of Transnistria as part of the Transfusion Security in Moldova Project, Info-Prim Neo reports. At the handing over ceremony on September 5, Minister of Health Larisa Catrinic said that the equipment includes apparatuses needed to collect blood and test it in laboratories such as automated lines, laboratory centrifuges, furniture and fridges. The given equipment will enable to insure the inoffensiveness of hemo-transfusion, said the director of the National Blood Transfusion Center, Svetlana Cebotari. She added that it will offer the Transnistrian doctors the possibility of improving examination of blood. The equipment will allow examining about 400 samples of blood a day. The final laboratory tests will be ready in 2 hours and a half. The staff of the medical institutions that will receive new equipment will not be instructed how to use it. According to the authorities, the third batch of equipment for the blood transfusion units of Moldova could be purchased in the future. The Transfusion Security in Moldova Project is financed by the Council of Europe Development Bank and the Government of Moldova. The World Bank, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria and USAID co-finance the project. The decision to extend the project into the Transnistrian region was made by the Council of Europe Development Bank and by the Government of Moldova, given the good results achieved under the project during 2005-2007.