
Transfer of state control powers


The Cabinet approved a series of amendments and supplements that concern the regulation of the state control duties of the National Food Safety Agency, the National Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance Agency and the State Labor Inspectorate, IPN reports.

Under the approved changes, the power to control the production and circulation of wine and alcoholic products is transferred from the State Alcoholic Products Surveillance Inspectorate to the National Food Safety Agency.

The Agency will also control the food sector and will be responsible for the approval of new food products, packing and sanitary norms on food circulation. The State Public Health Service will be in charge of only food for newborns and children and drinking water and will have duties typical of health services.

The Consumer Protection Agency will be named the Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance Agency and will focus on the uniform implementation of the legislation on consumer protection and on the control of the quality of tourism services taken over from the Tourism Agency.

The bill also envisions the reorganization of the State Labor Inspectorate. This will only monitor the observance of the legal provisions on labor relations, while the duties to monitor safety and health at work will be delegated to other institutions.

The draft law is to be submitted to Parliament for consideration.