
Trade unions elect new administration


The National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova (CNSM) holds its second congress on June 7. The delegates are to elect the chairman, deputy chairman and secretary of the Confederation and the head and members of the Censors’ Commission, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to a communiqué from the Confederation, within the congress the trade unionists will discuss the socioeconomic situation in the country and will assess the work of the CNSM administration bodies during the last five years. They will also set the strategic development objectives of the trade union movement for 2012-2017. The event will be attended by representatives of the International Confederation of Trade Unions (ITUC) based in Brussels and the Moscow-based General Confederation of Trade Unions (VKP), of which the CNSM is a fully-fledged member. It will also involve representatives of national trade union centers from 14 countries. The congress is the supreme administration body of the Congresul este organul suprem de conducere al CNSM şi se convoacă o dată la 5 ani. La lucrările congresului vor participa peste 300 de persoane - delegaţi, reprezentanţi ai structurilor sindicale teritoriale şi ai partenerilor sociali.