
Total number of university students reduced by 25%


At the beginning of the 2006-2007 school year, the total number of university students constituted 128,000 persons, of which 63.4 % study on day courses and 36.6% on extramural courses. The data of the National Statistics Bureau attest that, 25,900 students have been matriculated in the current school year, which is by 25% less than in the previous year. 68.3% of the students study in Romanian, and 28.4% in Russian. The share of female students is of 57.9%. 83.4% of the students’ total number study in state institutions, which is 106,000 persons or by 2.2% more than in the previous school year. The number of students who are part of non-governmental institutions is of 21,200 persons, by 2.2 less compared to the 2005-2006 school year. Similar to the previous years, the share of students who pay for their studies is still great (78.5% of the total). The minimum size of the study fee in the current year is of de MDL 800, the maximum one – MDL 11400. In the higher education institutions the greatest share is covered by social sciences (including economics and law); followed by engineering, processing technologies, architecture and constructions (28.2%); education (17.2%) etc. From the total number of matriculated persons, more than a half graduated from lyceums, one third middle schools of general culture, 8.9% continued their studies after graduating from colleges and 1.4 % professional schools. The share of students matriculated on the basis of the baccalaureate diplomas is of 60.9%, compared with 48.8% in the previous year. The number of higher education institutions graduates in 2006 constituted 17,000 persons, out of whom 77.6% were those of state institutions and 22.4% of the nongovernmental ones. The greatest share is covered by economic specialisations (22.8% of the total), followed by law (20.3%). 6571 persons performed teaching activity in higher education institutions, 5732 of which were employed for full wage (by 489 persons less compared to the last year) and 839 persons with a reduced norm (by 79 % more). 2,300 employees (34.9%) have the doctor degrees and 402 (6.1%) – doctors habilitated. At the beginning of the 2006-07 school year, the number of higher education institutions was of 31 units, 17 of which are state institutions and 14 private ones.